A few of my little goals

Hello again my lovelies! I hope you’re having a wonderful day, thank you for stopping by 🙂

I thought I’d tell you a little about my goals for the year today, as I mentioned in my previous post! 

I know *everyone* makes New Years resolutions, every year there’s always the standard “I’m going to go to the gym and workout every day and be really healthy…” posts, then by February the gym membership is lost down the back of a drawer somewhere, never to be seen again ha! 

But, these are my “I’m going to do these this year one way or another” things. 

1. Learn to drive/get a bike license 

This is my absolute #1 goal! Need to, have to, want to! I’ve been itching to learn since I was 14, 12 years on… I still haven’t and it’s time. It’s way past time! I need the freedom, to be able to jump on my bike and ride down the coast at 3am and sit on the beach watching the sun come up…sounds like heaven. Or to be able to get in my car and drive cross country, it all ties in with another of my goals. 

2. Travel 

I’ve dreamt of travelling since I was little, but limited funds amongst other reasons have put the brakes on things, I’m really pushing to travel somewhere this year! (I’ve never been on holiday before. Seriously not even a weekend away!) Hopefully you’ll see a super happy,excited post or 3 from me when something is set in stone, and I actually finally go on my first holiday! 

A rainy day around my lovely home town.

3. Learn burlesque 

This is something I’ve wanted to get into for years, but my fears have held me back and I had no idea where to even begin. Honestly, I’m still not sure where to begin but everyone has to start somewhere right? 

4. Learn fire breathing 

Again this is another thing I’ve wanted to do for years and years and still haven’t gotten around to learning, (can you see a pattern here?) that’s going to change! I’ve been a fire lover since I was tiny and I really want to work with it. (safely and effectively!)

I decided to keep it pretty simple and not overwhelm myself with a list of 30 things to do, fingers crossed all being well I can finally check off these 4 this year. 

Thanks for reading and bye for now!

Sky 😘

5 thoughts on “A few of my little goals

  1. I love your goals! Although I am terrified of fire breathing so that one may not be for me…..
    Regarding learning to drive, I definitely recommend doing it sooner than later as it only gets harder and harder each year!

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